Making Money By Selling Your Own Products Online

Earning money on advertising program is good source of income. This works by sharing your ad revenues to the company that manage your advertisement. 

Sometimes, it is better to have the whole pizza rather than only a piece of it. This is why many bloggers create their own products. This product can make money for you. For creating your own product, you don’t have to jump right in, though: many entrepreneurs start with affiliate products then later extend the range with their own offerings. Say you own a site on technology; you might start selling affiliate ebooks in the beginning, and then create your own for higher end techniques. Since you can easily produce a product using a low cost software, producing a product is not a problem.


Creating products takes time, but it doesn’t have to be difficult. Let’s say you decide to write an ebook on programming. Unlike in the bad old days, there’s no need to deal with publishing houses, or pay for a large print run. Upload your book to an on demand print service such as Lulu and you can buy physical copies in whatever quantities you wish to sell through your site. Alternatively, you can embed a link in your site, allowing the visitor to buy direct through Lulu or even have your book appear on Amazon. Lulu as takes its cut, as does Amazon if the book is purchased through its site.

With an ebook, your best bet is to format it for the Kindle. This makes it accessible to a huge audience, and lets you market it through Amazon. Amazon handles the payment process and hands back up to 70% of the net price of the book.  


Since everything is not suited to book format, demonstrating a video are also worth exploring. The hardest part may be developing the skill of narration but there’s probably an online product that will help you with that.


You can sell graphical resources too. You could submit illustrations and photos to an online image libraries, the problem is, online image libraries adds almost half a million images to its library per month, so your work is likely to get lost in the flood. You’re better off creating collections aimed at specific uses, and marketing them directly to potential customers.


You must decide how to charge for your creation. Attaching a fixed price to each audio book or image is simple, but it can put off customers who are unsure about what they need. An alternative is to create a membership site that charges either a one time fee for access or a small monthly subscription. 

Whichever model you choose, you’ll have to persuade visitors that your products are worth the price. You’ll need to offer resources that can’t be easily found for free elsewhere on the Internet, and you should bring them together in one convenient place, so the customer feels they’re paying for curatorship as well as content. Take advantage of the fact that your materials are online by providing bonuses, upgrades and interactivity that a printed book can’t match.

This is a guest post written by Anshul Sharma, CEO and founder of Technofumes. He is a techie who writes on Tech news, gadgets, mobile, new trends in technology and much more.